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Transformation & Change

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OUr Solutions

What We can Do for You


Agile methods such as Scrum, Kanban or SAFe work differently than traditional forms of organization. We explain the differences, develop a comprehensive introduction strategy, support the introduction and point out pitfalls.

Growth &

Agility in a team is a first step. However, the challenges usually lie in scaling within the organization. We use our broad organizational experience to build large but agile structures with multiple and possibly distributed teams.


Agile methods should not be implemented in isolation from governance structures and business processes. We support the transformation of all areas such as portfolio management or establishing meaningful connections between financial reporting and agile structures.


Management in agile structures has its own challenges and opportunities. We contribute our experience and help managers in redefining their role so that it relates to their changing environment.


Whether as support in the initial phase or to bridge personnel bottlenecks – we provide experienced Scrum Masters, Product Owners, Agile Coaches and Change Managers.

Sowohl durch das Coaching neuer und bestehender Teams als auch durch das Vorantreiben teamübergreifender Selbstorganisation hat der AP-Coach einen wertvollen Beitrag zur Verbesserung unserer Produktentwicklung geleistet.

Jens Maser
Leiter Projektmanagement | REWE Digital GmbH

Ich bin gerne bereit, mich als zufriedener Kunde nennen zu lassen und bestätige die Referenz auch gerne persönlich.

Sven Pelta
Competence Manager | Adobe Systems GmbH

Ich schätze unsere offene und ehrliche Zusammenarbeit sehr.

Thomas Wiemker
Produkt Owner des Agilen Transformationsteams | Axa Konzern AG

Eine Zusammenarbeit, die gute Ergebnisse gebracht hat und Spaß gemacht hat.

Oliver Schaber
Leiter IT-Systembetrieb Informatik | ROLAND Rechtsschutz-Versicherungs-AG

Successful agile transformation must always include governance and financial structures.

Florian A. Gloßner
Managing Partner
About us

Our Philosophy

We are committed to agile methods that we not only convey to our customers but also live internally.

We believe that economic power, transparency, employee satisfaction and authenticity go hand in hand and are mutually dependent. Our mission is to utilize these means to help our customers achieve sustainable success. To do so we provide specialists for the solution oriented implementation of agile methods in corporate environments.

The management of Agile Process GmbH consists of Felix C. Stein and Florian A. Gloßner. We are not only united by a common company but also by the enthusiasm for our work, which allows us to foster regularly change and transformation processes in responsible positions.

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We are constantly looking for new colleagues. If you want to develop yourself within a transparent, employee centered, and result driven enviroment you are welcome – whether as a colleague or partner!

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